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Message: #01561
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[EP-tech] Eprints critical block on cache insert
- To: "<eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk>" <eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
- Subject: [EP-tech] Eprints critical block on cache insert
- From: Paolo Tealdi <paolo.tealdi@polito.it>
- Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2013 09:35:12 +0100
Dear all, i'm debugging some misterious mysql hanging that sometimes happen on our server (2-3 times a week). They happen during the night and when i can check the server i find the eprint server almost swaped out with a VERY big number of httpd process, all the mysql connection used and tipically a huge cache insert (the attachment is the last insert found) apparently blocking the mysql server. Doing a SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST\G i found the older active thread Id: 961782 User: eprints Host: giasone.polito.it:35530 db: eprints3310 Command: Query Time: 50077 State: statistics Info: ... the select in attachment ... You can notice that the process state is in "statistics" status. Googling i found that it seems that, if in a select there are involved a big number of tables, mysql query optimizer can block itself indefinitely analyzing that transaction, in the statistic state. It seems that setting optimizer_search_depth variable to a low value this problem disappear. The default is optimizer_search_depth = 62 i put it to set global optimizer_search_depth = 5; and seems to resolve the blocking issue. A side effect seems to be a slight speedup in general when you're doing advanced searches (those query can be "important") . Anybody has found this problem ? Best regards, Paolo Tealdi -- Ing. Paolo Tealdi Area IT - Politecnico Torino Telefono/Phone : +39-011-0906714 , FAX : +39-011-0906799 Indirizzo/Address : C.so Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 - 10129 Torino - ITALY Skype : tealdi.paolo Please consider your environmental responsibility before printing this e-mail
INSERT INTO `cache2258477` (`pos`, `eprintid`) SELECT @i := @i + 1, `eprintid` FROM (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'il' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'il' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'il' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'il' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'il' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'il')AS `or_789102108` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789102108`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_0`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'workshop' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'workshop' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'workshop' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'workshop' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'workshop' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'workshop') AS `or_760656912` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_760656912`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_1`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'ha' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'ha' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'ha' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'ha' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'ha' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'ha') AS `or_789132148` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789132148`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_2`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'come' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'come' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'come' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'come' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'come' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'come') AS `or_760703468` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_760703468`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_3`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'obiettivo' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'obiettivo' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'obiettivo' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'obiettivo' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'obiettivo' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'obiettivo') AS `or_789954276` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789954276`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_4`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'la' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'la' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'la' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'la' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'la' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'la') AS `or_789290096` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789290096`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_5`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'formazione' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'formazione' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'formazione' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'formazione' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'formazione' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'formazione') AS `or_760737992` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_760737992`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_6`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'di' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'di' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'di' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'di' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'di' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'di') AS `or_789425460` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789425460`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_7`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'una' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'una' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'una' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'una' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'una' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'una') AS `or_789116508` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789116508`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_8`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'competenza' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'competenza' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'competenza' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'competenza' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'competenza' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'competenza') AS `or_702257524` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_702257524`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_9`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'critica' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'critica' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'critica' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'critica' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'critica' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'critica') AS `or_789143308` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789143308`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_10`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'nell' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'nell' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'nell' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'nell' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'nell' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'nell') AS `or_789356664` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789356664`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_11`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'uso' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'uso' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'uso' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'uso' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'uso' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'uso') AS `or_760674996` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_760674996`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_12`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'delle' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'delle' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'delle' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'delle' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'delle' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'delle') AS `or_702255564` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_702255564`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_13`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'tecnologie' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'tecnologie' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'tecnologie' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'tecnologie' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'tecnologie' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'tecnologie') AS `or_789109168` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789109168`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_14`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'computazionali' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'computazionali' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'computazionali' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'computazionali' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'computazionali' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'computazionali') AS `or_789143848` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789143848`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_15`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'finalizzate' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'finalizzate' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'finalizzate' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'finalizzate' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'finalizzate' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'finalizzate') AS `or_789136968` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789136968`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_16`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'alla' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'alla' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'alla' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'alla' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'alla' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'alla') AS `or_789434388` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789434388`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_17`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'generazione' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'generazione' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'generazione' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'generazione' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'generazione' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'generazione') AS `or_789142388` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789142388`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_18`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'di' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'di' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'di' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'di' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'di' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'di') AS `or_789121908` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789121908`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_19`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'forme' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'forme' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'forme' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'forme' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'forme' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'forme') AS `or_789136988` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789136988`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_20`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'architettoniche' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'architettoniche' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'architettoniche' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'architettoniche' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'architettoniche' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'architettoniche') AS `or_702257944` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_702257944`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_21`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'attraverso' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'attraverso' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'attraverso' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'attraverso' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'attraverso' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'attraverso') AS `or_789105428` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789105428`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_22`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'l' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'l' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'l' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'l' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'l' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'l') AS `or_789138648` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789138648`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_23`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'uso' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'uso' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'uso' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'uso' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'uso' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'uso') AS `or_789257096` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789257096`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_24`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'di' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'di' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'di' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'di' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'di' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'di') AS `or_789129948` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789129948`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_25`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'algoritmi' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'algoritmi' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'algoritmi' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'algoritmi' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'algoritmi' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'algoritmi') AS `or_788518164` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_788518164`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_26`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'generativi' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'generativi' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'generativi' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'generativi' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'generativi' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'generativi') AS `or_760672220` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_760672220`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_27`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'computational' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'computational' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'computational' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'computational' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'computational' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'computational') AS `or_789102548` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789102548`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_28`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'morphogenesis' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'morphogenesis' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'morphogenesis' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'morphogenesis' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'morphogenesis' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'morphogenesis') AS `or_789356068` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789356068`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_29`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'verranno' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'verranno' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'verranno' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'verranno' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'verranno' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'verranno') AS `or_789325696` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789325696`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_30`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'indagate' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'indagate' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'indagate' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'indagate' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'indagate' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'indagate') AS `or_789104148` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789104148`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_31`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'sia' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'sia' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'sia' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'sia' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'sia' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'sia') AS `or_789443320` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789443320`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_32`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'le' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'le' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'le' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'le' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'le' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'le') AS `or_789414528` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789414528`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_33`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'metodologie' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'metodologie' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'metodologie' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'metodologie' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'metodologie' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'metodologie') AS `or_789471652` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789471652`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_34`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'legate' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'legate' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'legate' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'legate' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'legate' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'legate') AS `or_789095468` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789095468`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_35`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'sia' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'sia' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'sia' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'sia' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'sia' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'sia') AS `or_789333396` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789333396`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_36`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'ad' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'ad' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'ad' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'ad' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'ad' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'ad') AS `or_789142108` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789142108`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_37`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'applicativi' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'applicativi' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'applicativi' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'applicativi' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'applicativi' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'applicativi') AS `or_789433232` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_789433232`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_38`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'di' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'di' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'di' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'di' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'di' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'di') AS `or_702280944` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_702280944`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_39`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, (SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'documents' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'carattere' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'title' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'carattere' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'abstract' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'carattere' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'creators_name' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'carattere' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'note' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'carattere' UNION SELECT `eprint`.`eprintid` AS `eprintid` FROM `eprint`, `eprint__rindex` AS `eprint__rindex` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `eprint__rindex`.`eprintid` AND `eprint__rindex`.`field` = 'authors_string' AND `eprint__rindex`.`word` = 'carattere') AS `or_760657852` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `or_760657852`.`eprintid`) AS `and_760206132_40` WHERE `eprint`.`eprintid` = `and_760206132_0`.`eprintid` AND `eprint`.`eprintid` = `and_760206132_1`.`eprintid` AND `eprint`.`eprintid` = `and_760206132_2`.`eprintid` AND `eprint`.`eprintid` = `and_760206132_3`.`eprintid` AND `eprint`.`eprintid` = `and_760206132_4`.`eprintid` AND `eprint`.`eprintid` = `and_760206132_5`.`eprintid` AND `eprint`.`eprintid` = `and_760206132_6`.`eprintid` AND `eprint`.`eprintid` = `and_760206132_7`.`eprintid` AND `eprint`.`eprintid` = `and_760206132_8`.`eprintid` AND `eprint`.`eprintid` = `and_760206132_9`.`eprintid` AND `eprint`.`eprintid` = `and_760206132_10`.`eprintid` AND `eprint`.`eprintid` = `and_760206132_11`.`eprintid` AND `eprint`.`eprintid` = `and_760206132_12`.`eprintid` AND `eprint`.`eprintid` = `and_760206132_13`.`eprintid` AND `eprint`.`eprintid` = `and_760206132_14`.`eprintid` AND `eprint`.`eprintid` = `and_760206132_15`.`eprintid` AND `eprint`.`eprintid` = `and_760206132_16`.`eprintid` AND 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