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Message: #01548

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[EP-tech] Re: EPrints 3.3.10 problem - unable to edit metadata fields

Am 08.02.2013 13:52, schrieb Bruno Matos Saraiva:
Hello all

When I try to view dataset fields of "Eprints" to edit them, the system
generates the following error message:

EPrints System Error

Attempt to get value from not existent field: metafield/objectid

Even when I try to create/edit a field in a dataset that allows me to
enter (I've tried them all), it displays the same error.

Any suggestions to solve this?


did you restart the webserver? The developers try hard to minimise the need to do, but sometimes it is still required to have the changes taken effect.


Thank you.

Best regards,

Bruno Saraiva | Museu da Presidência da República

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