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Message: #01538

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[EP-tech] Re: Sword2 Packager for eprints 3.3.11

On 04/02/13 12:41, David Kane wrote:
Hi All,

I am using EasyDeposit to add items to our eprints 3.3.11 repository.
It doesn't seem to be unpacking them properly.  I.E. the file gets
unpacked but the metadata doesn't seem to make it.  I am using the
packager atom_multipart_eprints, in EasyDeposit.

Can anyone send me an example package that actually works (I.E. metadata
and single file attachment that upload successfully to EPrints).

David - have a read of
which is where I got to in exploring this.

All importers (be they command-line, web interface, or SWORD) all live in Eprints::Plugin::Import::*

I was looking at Compressed.pm when other work diverted me away from this.


Ian Stuart.
Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


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