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Message: #01528

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[EP-tech] Re: Cleaning database up


On 06/02/13 14:46, David Whitehead wrote:
Hi Seb,

The script I was thinking of doing would check whether a user has EPrints and if so would not remove them, along with certain criteria such as if they joined in 2013 don't remove them etc. thanks for the script you mentioned I really appreciated it :), by using the EPrint API would it go and purge the database correctly based on a deletion?

# does user have eprints? add the following to the previous script:

return if( $user->get_eprints->count > 0 );

Not sure what field you're using for the join date so I let you do this.

And yes, using the API would remove associated saved searches and clean up all the relevant tables (indexes etc).
