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Message: #01510

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[EP-tech] Re: Problem updaing Ubuntu server

Hello this is an Ubuntu problem, not an Eprints one.
Anyway, from what you say the error can be just temporary. Solution is via the command line:
sudo apt-get update
A couple of times.


Alex Birchall <A.Birchall@mdx.ac.uk> wrote:

>We host eprints on an Ubuntu server (Release 12.04 (Precise) 32-bit.  Kernel Linux 3.2.0-33-generic-pae.  GNOME 3.4.1.)
>Update Manager informs me that 80 updates are ready for installation.  But a warning also pops up saying:
>"Not all updates can be installed.  Run a partial upgrade, to install as many updates as possible.
>"This can be caused by:
>"A previous upgrade which did not complete
>"Problems with some of the installed software
>"Unoffical software packages not provided by Ubuntu
>"Normal changes of a pre-release version of Ubuntu"
>The warning pop up gives the option of a "Partial upgrade".  But if I choose this option eventually the system presents me with the message:
>"Error authenticating some packages:
>"It was not possible to authenticate some packages.  This may be a transient network problem.  You may want to "try again later.  See below for a list of unauthenticated packages."
>I got the same messages last Friday.
>I have not encountered this problem before when applying updates.  Any suggestion as to how I may resolve this problem would be very welcome.
>Thank you.
>Alexander J Birchall, Library Systems Manager, The Sheppard Library, Middlesex University, London NW4 4BT
>Tel +44 (0) 208 411 5235
>Mobile:  07765 237 570
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