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Message: #01507

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[EP-tech] Re: Log out bug?

Dear Tim,

I am in http-mode, then entering https when logging in. When then clicking
on - say - "manage records", it jumps back to http-mode and requiring
authentication again, and so on.

I am using the eprints user table, i.e. Admin>SystemTools>New user.

In fact, I am trying to communicate the stuff that has to be programmed or
installed, to the IT, by looking what is already possible from the
admin-page (without programming). So we are not productive yet.


On 1/31/13 11:07 AM, "Tim Brody" <tdb2@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:

> Is this between HTTP/HTTPS ?
> If you log-out (to force removal of both HTTP/HTTPS sessions), does it
> behave correctly when you log back-in?
> Are you using a vanilla log-in process, or linked to another auth
> system?
> /Tim.
> On Thu, 2013-01-31 at 07:13 +0000, Pavlovic,Karlo wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> we installed version 3.3.10 some weeks ago and are experiencing exactly the
>> same problem. I already have bothered our IT, but they cannot help.
>> Best,
>> Karlo
>> On 1/30/13 5:08 PM, "Sheppard, Nick" <N.E.Sheppard@leedsmet.ac.uk> wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> We have just installed EPrints but there seems to be an odd bug whereby I am
>>> logged out whenever I load a new page.
>>> Just thought I'd try here before bothering our IT folk in case anyone knows
>>> what the cause may be.
>>> Cheers
>>> Nick
>>> Nick Sheppard
>>> Repository Developer
>>> The Headingley Library
>>> James Graham Building
>>> Leeds Metropolitan University
>>> Beckett Park
>>> Leeds
>>> LS6 3QS
>>> Tel: 0113 812 4731
>>> email: n.e.sheppard@leedsmet.ac.uk<mailto:n.e.sheppard@leedsmet.ac.uk>
>>> blog: http://repositorynews.wordpress.com/
>>> twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/mrnick
>>> Technical Officer - UK Council of research Repositories (UKCoRR) -
>>> http://www.ukcorr.org/
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>> Resource of the month:
>> Madame Curie Bioscience Database
>> http://www.landesbioscience.com/curie
>> "A comprehensive resource in Bioscience and Biomedicine. The chapters come
>> from several hundred books published by Landes Bioscience"
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Resource of the month:
Madame Curie Bioscience Database
"A comprehensive resource in Bioscience and Biomedicine. The chapters come
from several hundred books published by Landes Bioscience"

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