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Message: #01493

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[EP-tech] Re: Document security requirements

We also have a 'visibility' setting on documents that, to the best of my knowledge, makes it seem as though the document doesn't exist, except to admins through the admin interface and perhaps the owner through their manage deposits view. No links, no thumbnails, no OAI-PMH, no search, no export.  We tend to use this option to retain the original version of an item submitted to us if, for instance, it was submitted as a word document, then that would be attached, hidden, and a PDF version document made available (visible) attached to the same eprint.
I think, if we were to try to make available a low-res version of an item where we wanted the original hidden, we would use this same principle and attach both versions , one hidden and one visible.

From: John Salter [mailto:J.Salter@leeds.ac.uk]
Sent: 24 January 2013 17:39
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: [EP-tech] Document security requirements


In our repository, we have a security option for documents which allows us to ‘hide’ them.

Currently, this means not exposing them in any public interface – abstract pages, OAI-PMH, Export options, <head> content in webpages, search results.


I’m aware that at least one other institution has this type of function in place (see Matt Brady’s message from earlier this week), and I’m wondering if other repositories have similar needs?


I’ve been trying to work out what the characteristics of this type of document might be:

1.       Index? (yes/no)

2.       Thumbnail? (Yes/no/only certain sizes)

3.       Allow access to thumbnails?

4.       Visible to authenticated users?

5.       Visible to editors / admins?

6.       Accessible to users with certain characteristics (e.g. add a ‘groups’ element to the user data object, and allow anyone in a certain group to access material).


Some of our content is high-res tifs – that we don’t want publically accessible, but the thumbnails (low/medium res versions) will be available to all.


What are your thoughts on the above?

Do you have any needs in this area?

Are there other characteristics that you might want to add?




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