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Message: #01469

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[EP-tech] Re: EPrints REST API documentation

Hi Tim,

This is fantastic, many thanks for this. I will test this in the next few days.

Best wishes,

On 22 January 2013 10:01, Tim Brody <tdb2@ecs.soton.ac.uk> wrote:
On Fri, 2013-01-18 at 10:30 +0000, Masud Khokhar wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to find some documentation on the REST API for EPrints and
> so far, the only thing I can find is this.
>       * A "REST" style interface to objects,
>         via /rest/eprint/23/title.txt, for example. This can also
>         support "PUT" to alter fields!
> Is there any better documentation out there? I am specifically
> interested in whether I can get all publications from an author via
> the API, something like /rest/author/family_name+first_name ?


What version of EPrints are you running?

There is an experimental REST interface that lives at /rest/. You will
need to give your user the 'rest' role (e.g. in cfg.d/user_roles.pl):

$c->{user_roles}->{admin} = [qw{

(reload Apache to apply the change)

This is driven by EPrints/Apache/REST.pm. One mention of it here:

Otherwise, I'm working on support CRUD/REST for EPrints URIs:

CRUD is missing the ability to update records - what is normally "POST"
to an existing URI.

All the best,

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