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[EP-tech] Re: Repository stats - identifying Academic access

On 17/01/13 16:11, Alan.Stiles wrote:
Just had a question from our repository user group - can we see what percentage of our repository visitors are from universities vs. elsewhere.
I realise that this could be achieved by some flavour of reverse-ip lookup (if I look up my own ip address it shows 'The Open University' is the ISP so presumably it should do similarly for at least the other UK institutions), but I was wondering if anyone had done anything relating to these sort of stats already or whether anyone knew of a nice handy table of academic domain ip addresses as a head-start in not abusing any reverse lookup services? (duplication of effort and all that good stuff!)

I have an (incomplete) list if networks & organisations in the ORI (Organisation & Repository Identification service) ori.edina.ac.uk - and you can grab the Link Data (RDF/XML or turtle) and parse to your hearts content.

I know that JaNET have a full record, however work on ORI got put on the back-burner before I could actually get that information out of them :)


Ian Stuart.
Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


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