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Message: #01438

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[EP-tech] Re: Help not defined error

On Tue, 2013-01-08 at 15:15 +0800, mohdizwan8733@salam.uitm.edu.my
> Dear all.. 
> Can somebody take a look at my eprints? 
> http://eprints.uitm.edu.my/ 
> Got error all over the place. 
> I can't pin point which cause this error. 
> I was working to install AWStats, then suddenly this error appear. 


I can't access your site right now, but if you created a typo in your
phrases file it would fail to load (and you'd see lots of "phrase not

xmllint lib/lang/en/phrases/system.xml

Generate any errors?

Otherwise include a screenshot/apache error log message to allow us to
help further.

All the best,

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