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Message: #01418

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[EP-tech] Masking admin email


I want to hide the admin's email against spambots. Captchas are not an option for us. In addition, our contact page displays two people for different kinds of questions. Can I define

$c->{adminemail} = '(email addresses s. http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/volltextserver/contact.html)';
    # at least accepted by epadmin reload (no validation)

or is there a better way to always provide a contact page link instead of an address *at any place*? My solution is not quite optimal, as in case the admin's address is propagated via mailto:-url the behaviour of the mail client opening on a click is incalculable.

Kind regards,
Florian Heß
UB Heidelberg (Altstadt)
Plöck 107-109, 69117 HD
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