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Message: #01361

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[EP-tech] Creating searches in EPrints?

Is this documented anywhere? I'm not finding anything...

If I have the following defined for an eprint dataObject:

            'name' => 'broker',
            'type' => 'compound',
            'multiple' => 1,
            'fields' => [
                  { sub_name => 'orgid',    'type' => 'text' },
                  { sub_name => 'orgname',  'type' => 'text' },
                  { sub_name => 'repoid',   'type' => 'text' },
                  { sub_name => 'reponame', 'type' => 'text' },
                  { sub_name => 'sword',    'type' => 'boolean' },
                  { sub_name => 'sent',     'type' => 'time', },
                  { sub_name => 'return',   'type' => 'url' },
                  { sub_name => 'live',     'type' => 'time', },
                  { sub_name => 'target',   'type' => 'url' },
                  { sub_name => 'note',     'type' => 'text' },
                  { sub_name => 'archiver', 'type' => 'boolean' },

I should be able to create a search thus:

  my $dso = $session->get_repository->get_dataset("archive");
  my $searchexp1 = EPrints::Search->new(
    satisfy_all => 1,
    session     => $session,
    dataset     => $dso,
  $searchexp1->add_field( $dso->get_field("broker_sword"), 'TRUE' );
  $searchexp1->add_field( $dso->get_field("broker_sent"),  '2000-' );
  $searchexp1->add_field( $dso->get_field("broker_live"),  '' );
  my $results1 = $searchexp1->perform_search;

As I understand it, this should list only those records where one or more of the broker elements has the sub_field "sword" set true, and the sub_field "sent" defined and after the year 2000, and the sub_field "live" is empty .... unfortunately, I'm getting records where sub_field "sword" is true, but none of the broker elements have a "sent" sub_field

Is there anything out there?


Ian Stuart.
Developer: ORI, RJ-Broker, and OpenDepot.org
Bibliographics and Multimedia Service Delivery team,
The University of Edinburgh.


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