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Message: #01304

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[EP-tech] Re: Adding a custom PerlResponseHandler

You can branch on $repository_id in ~/perl_lib/EPrints/Apache/Rewrite.pm.

John Salter wrote:
I'm trying to work out the best way to add a custom handler for a URL to a specific archive within eprints.

I can either set something like this in the vhost (and add '/foo/' to $c->{rewrite_exceptions} ):
<Location "/foo/handler">
     SetHandler perl-script
     PerlResponseHandler Foo::FooHandler

  - OR -
I could edit ~/perl_lib/EPrints/Apache/Rewrite.pm, adding something like:
if ( $uri =~ m! ^$urlpath/foo !x )
   $r->handler( 'perl-script' );
   $r->set_handlers( PerlResponseHandler =>  [ 'Foo::FooHandler' ] );
   return OK;

BUT I wouldn't /really/ want to do that, as it would affect all archives, not just the one I want it to.

So, what is the *most* sensible way to do this, making it apply to only one archive? Am I missing some magic that will help me?


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