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Message: #01302

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[EP-tech] epadmin cleanup_cachemaps

Dear all,

to avoid the proliferation of cache tables in the database, i put a simple "epadmin cleanup_cachemaps <db>" in the crontab. All well: tt's doing it's dirty work. But i noticed that this command tries to delete (obviously without doing it) the cache tables of another eprints instance resident in the database. Maybe it should be better to filter for the "local" database.

Best regards,
Paolo Tealdi

Ing. Paolo Tealdi         Area IT - Politecnico Torino
Telefono/Phone : +39-011-0906714 , FAX : +39-011-0906799
Indirizzo/Address : C.so Duca degli Abruzzi,  24 - 10129 Torino - ITALY
Skype : tealdi.paolo
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