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Message: #01298

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[EP-tech] Updating records to attach documents via a bulk import process



I’m in the midst of helping to integrate a CRIS product with our eprints installation so that data is entered via the CRIS and then imported into eprints using the import plug in. We get metadata and documents, and can update metadata, but if the first instance of a record comes in without a document we can’t add one in the CRIS and then push it through to eprints later on – updated metadata is fine, but no document. We are using version 3.1.3 of eprints. I’m trying to get more info out of the CRIS people as to whether they tested this scenario and on what version (they say they are using enable_import_ids), but in the mean-time it would be useful to know if anyone else is doing this successfully and what version of eprints you are using?


Many thanks




Claire Eskriett, Systems Librarian

(Days of work are Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri)

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