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Message: #01251

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[EP-tech] Re: eprints on bluehost.com


I imagine it would be difficult to do so (but maybe someone here will
have a success story). EPrints is set up to do various things that
require root privileges (creating the 'eprints' user, setting up the
indexing daemon, etc.) You might be better off moving to a provider that
allows you a full virtual server, such as Linode: http://www.linode.com/

Best wishes,

Elie Dannaoui <edannaoui@gmail.com> writes:

>    Hello,
>    I am trying to install eprints on a shared host (bluehost.com) but with
>    no success. Is it  possible to install eprints on a shared  server or
>    it requires a dedicated ip? what you suggest for this as solution? and
>    how you can help?
>    thank you
>    Elie
>    --
>    Elie DANNAOUI, PhD
>    University of Balamand, LEBANON
>    Tel.:     +961-6-930250 ext. 4179
>    Mobile: +961-3-500690
>    Email:   elie.dannaoui@balamand.edu.lb
>    http://balamand.academia.edu/ElieDannaoui
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