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Message: #01247

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[EP-tech] Error while doing search browse by year, subject,etc


I had just installed Eprints and clicked browse by year, subject etc.. Doing that got the following error.

EPrints System Error

Can't open to write to XML file: /var/lib/eprints3/archives/ccmbir/html/en/view/year/index.html

Tried to insert some data and got this error also.

Got the following error:

Import Items from PubMedID

Unhandled warning in Import::PubMedID: Failed to mkdir /var/lib/eprints3/archiv↲
es/ccmbir/documents/disk0/00: No such file or directory
Unable to write to /var/lib/eprints3/archives/ccmbir/documents/disk0/00/00/00/0↲
3/revisions/1.xml: No such file or directory
EPrints::Storage: No plugins available to store file/4
file/4::set_file(dataobj.xml) failed: No storage plugins succeeded
Failed to mkdir /var/lib/eprints3/archives/ccmbir/documents/disk0/00: No such f↲
ile or directory
Unable to write to /var/lib/eprints3/archives/ccmbir/documents/disk0/00/00/00/0↲
3/revisions/2.xml: No such file or directory
EPrints::Storage: No plugins available to store file/5
file/5::set_file(dataobj.xml) failed: No storage plugins succeeded
Warning Test run failed: 1 item(s) found before an error caused the test run to abort. Carefully check any warning messages before proceeding.

Please help. Seems to be some permission problem. But tried even with admin privilege.
Just installed Eprints software and did some logo change etc.
