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Message: #01236

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[EP-tech] Citation Import Plugin Error

Hi there


I have setup the citation import plugin on my repository however when running the import_citationdata or update_citatationdata commands I ran into the following error


Starting EPrints Repository.

Connecting to DB ... done.

Plugin 'Import::CitationService::GScholar' not found.

Ending EPrints Repository.


I have tried to debug the import_citationdata  file and it seems it fails  at the below given code.


$plugin = $session->plugin(


                Handler => $handler,

                net_retry => {

                        max => $net_retry_max,

                        interval => $net_retry_interval,


                parse_retry => {

                        max => $parse_retry_max,

                        interval => $parse_retry_interval,




Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.




Sheraaz Buksh


IT Officer

Office of the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research & International)

Research Office

The University of the South Pacific

Laucala Campus, Suva, Fiji Islands

Ph: (679) 323 2316

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Website: www.research.usp.ac.fj/research-staff