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Message: #01214

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[EP-tech] Re: Is eprints multitenant?

Dear Alan,

this is exactly what I have asked for.

White Rose is de facto one IR and the three universities are technically
like e.g. three departments, which is OK for White Rose.
But this is *not* what I want.

My library serves three different institutions (in the legal /corporate
sense), where one institution wants an IR *now*, and the two other perhaps
some day.
If they also want one, it would be then possible to take the *same*
installation (same "bits of hardware"), but a very different backend (e.g.
administrators) and frontend (e.g. deposit-IDs or the mere design of the
search interface).

BTW: http://oralhistory.open.ac.uk seems to be unavailable.

Thanks to all!

On 10/18/12 6:24 PM, "Alan.Stiles" <Alan.Stiles@open.ac.uk> wrote:

> It does indeed depend on what you are trying to achieve - I think there are 2
> separate concepts here.
> White Rose appears to be a single repository, accepting deposits from 3
> separate institutions, so presumably having a shared user table.
> As John Salter noted, you can have multiple archives running on one instance
> of the Eprints software, such as we do at The Open University.
> There is our main research repository (http://oro.open.ac.uk) and our
> oralhistory project repository (http://oralhistory.open.ac.uk)
> They are running on the same bits of hardware, with one install of the eprints
> software, but separate repository configurations and separate user tables (and
> admin accounts thereon) in separate databases.
> If this is more what you are trying to achieve, then the installation process
> shouldn't be vastly different from a single repository install, though it will
> require a separate round of configuration for the separate archive.
> Karlo - perhaps you could explain further what you are trying to achieve?
> --
> Alan Stiles
> Digital Repository Developer, Library Services
> The Open University Library.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jan Ploski [mailto:jpl@plosquare.com]
> Sent: 18 October 2012 16:53
> To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
> Subject: [EP-tech] Re: Is eprints multitenant?
> Of course, it all depends on what you are trying to achieve, but I would
> say the ability to store data of multiple organizations is not enough to
> call a system multitenant.
> The term as I know it from commercial IS refers to the ability to
> separately administer and audit an organization's users through
> independent organization-specific admin accounts who may only grant
> (restricted) permissions to those users belonging to their respective
> organization. Apart from that usually some shared data exists that is
> used by all tenants (rather than each tenant's system being completely
> separated from the others, which is a typical workaround suggesting that
> a system is NOT multitenant).
> So I'd say that out-of-the-box EPrints with its central "users" table
> and a single "admin" account, just like most open source content
> management systems, does NOT qualify as multitenant, from the viewpoint
> of corporate IT - but always ask them what they mean exactly. It could
> conceivably be made multitenant in the above described sense through
> (potentially heavy) customization. Developers may correct me if I'm wrong.
> David Kane wrote:
>> Yes.
>> White Rose Consortium is one example.
>> http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/
>> David.
>> On 18 October 2012 14:48, Pavlovic,Karlo<karlo.pavlovic@imp.ac.at>  wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I am not a coder, but I need some specific information for my IT:
>>> Is Eprints capable to serve multiple rganizations, i.e. is it multitenant?
>>> If so, does this in principle affect the installation of the system or can
>>> this be adjusted AFTER the installation?
>>> Thank you!
>>> Best,
>>> Karlo Pavlovic
>>> --
>>> Max Perutz Library
>>> Dr. Bohr-Gasse 7
>>> A-1030 Wien
>>> T ++43 (01) 79730-3690
>>> http://library.imp.ac.at
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