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Message: #01183

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[EP-tech] Re: Comments in XML configuration files: beware! (possibly needs fixing)

Hi John,

Try using <epc:comment/> instead (look at cfg/citations/eprint/summary_page.xml for an example).


On 15/10/12 14:18, John Salter wrote:
In case you weren't already aware...

Comments in XML configuration files (e.g. citations) will come through to the rendered page.
To me, this is an unexpected behaviour* - not sure what others think?

   <when test="type = 'book' and is_set( creators )">
     <print expr="creators_name"/>
   <when ...>
    <!-- print nothing? Some variant of <print expr="creators_name"/>? -->

Results in a literal HTML comment when none of the <when ...> statements are matched:
    <!-- print nothing? Some variant of <print expr="creators_name"/>? -->

It's fairly easy to look at the source code for an abstract page and see what's in there - not so easy to spot when just viewing the webpage itself!


*My reasoning for this being unexpected is that there are internal-comments in the file already e.g.
         Full citation for an eprint.
I would not expect this to end up in the rendered page - and therefore not other comments!

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