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Message: #01137

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[EP-tech] Re: upgrade to 3.3.x from 3.2.8


See a few comments below:

On 02/10/12 10:22, Ranju Upadhyay wrote:
Hi all,

Since nobody replied, I am replying to my own question!

My plan to upgrade is like this:

As root:

1. Download tar file

2. unpack tar file to /home/mydir

3. cd /home/mydir/eprints-3.3.x

4.  ./configure --prefix /var/lib/eprints3 (this is where our current eprints is)

 5.  ./install.pl

6.  (as eprints) cd /var/lib/eprints3

 7. epadmin upgrade ourarchive

Beware that this may take long. During that time the repo will not be in a usable state.

8.  restart Apache

This will probably upgrade our repo.But I would still like to know a few things:

* which is the stable one in 3.3.x and can I go directly from 3.2.8 to 3.3.x
The latest stable version is 3.3.10 and yes you can go from 3.2 to 3.3

*What happens to the old configuration/code files , are they overwritten?
The .pm files in perl_lib are backed up (the install.pl step will tell you). The local configuration (archives/ourarchive/cfg/*) isn't usually modified, and actually you'll need to do this by hand (i.e. you could missing some new features/conf).

I usually do after the upgrade:

cd <your eprints install path>
diff -rq lib/defaultcfg/ archives/ourarchive/cfg

this will tell you of missing files (that you can copy over) and changes (that you may need to merge, I use vimdiff to check this).

If some conf files contain new fields/datasets, you may need to run bin/epadmin update ourarchive so that EPrints adds the new DB tables/columns.

You should also diff your old template with the new one (some things have changed in 3.3, esp. the <head> section).

If you wrote custom plugins, those may break in 3.3.

Last but not least, you may need to disable people logging in during the upgrade process. Look at cfg.d/user_login.pl to disable that option.

Good luck,

In the past when we did the upgrade, we actually did a clean install and create (in a new server) and then brought in the db and documents before running the upgrade process.In that case I had to do re-do all the customization manually again.But this time I would like to run the upgrade process in already existing one.

Thanks in advance for help.

Ranju Upadhyay
National University of Ireland Maynooth.

----- Original Message -----
From: Ranju Upadhyay <Ranju.Upadhyay@nuim.ie>
Date: Monday, September 24, 2012 2:52 pm
Subject: [EP-tech]  upgrade to 3.3.x from 3.2.8
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk

> Hi All,
> We would like to upgrade our eprints test environment from 3.2.8 to latest stable release of 3.3.x.
> Looking at the documentation here:
> http://wiki.eprints.org/w/New_Features_in_EPrints_3.3
> it looks like 3.3.5 is the latest stable release of 3.3.x, is that still the case?
> where can I find documentation on the upgrade process itself?
> Regards,
> Ranju Upadhyay
> National University of Ireland Maynooth. > *** Options:
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