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Message: #01043

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[EP-tech] Re: add new menu in the menu bar

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim Brody" <tdb2@ecs.soton.ac.uk>
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Sent: Wednesday, September 5, 2012 6:26:36 PM
Subject: [EP-tech] Re: add new menu in the menu bar

On Tue, 04 Sep 2012 14:44:39 +0530 (IST), smal@ccmb.res.in wrote:
> Hi
> Could any one suggest the way to add new menu in the menu bar? as the
> files such as /view/index.html, /html/index.html, index.xpage and
> default.xml are not bearing the desired result  even after the restart of
> routine services. 

Which menu are you referring to?

The top-most menu (with 'Browse' in) comes from the template. To customise
 - copy lib/templates/default.xml to archives/[archiveid/cfg/templates/
 - modify the contained HTML

The lower menu ("Login", "Register") is generated dynamically. To add a
link you would need to create a new Screen plugin and add it to the
"key_tools" list.

All the best,

Hi Tim

Indeed special thanks to your response and suggestion. However, I wish to add that the destination directory to copy to "templates" could not be found in ".../archives/archiveid/cfg/templates/" in eprints 3.2.8 version which I am using. Infact, I had already made futile attempt with the same "default.xml" file located in ".../archives/archiveid/cfg/lang/en/templates" but with no desired end result. My attempt is to add a new menu with already existing top-most menu list. kindly render your technical advice to achieve this.

wit thanks