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Message: #01041

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[EP-tech] Re: upgrade to 3.3.10 broke set_language

Dear Radoslaw Moszczynski;
The wiki which you are referring is old. so when upgrading from older versions of Eprints (ex 3.2.X to 3.3.X) you should update default template of your repository to reflect  the changes which was done to language plugin. The proper code  resides  in  lib\defaultcfg\lang\en\templates\ directory of  Eprints installation folder
Hope this could help.



On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 7:39 PM, Radoslaw Moszczynski <r.moszczynski@uw.edu.pl> wrote:

After a recent upgrade to Eprints 3.3.10, the set_language script used to change our
site's language stopped working. When invoked via a URL similar to this one:

   http://<library>/cgi/set_lang?langid=<language ID>

it throws the following error:

   Error. $screen->render should be sub-classed for EPrints::Plugin::Screen::SetLang=HASH(0xbba040cc).

(The hex value in parentheses is variable).

The script was set up according to the instructions here:
http://wiki.eprints.org/w/Translation. We are currently on Ubuntu 12.04,
Apache 2.2.22, and Perl 5.14.2.

Any help with debugging this issue will be very appreciated. I'll be
happy to provide more information about our setup if needed.

Best regards-
 -Radoslaw Moszczynski
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