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Message: #01031

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[EP-tech] Re: Manage Metadata Fields UI

On Fri, 31 Aug 2012 11:48:32 -0700, Beth Levine <blevinefhcrc@gmail.com>
> I am running EPrints 3.3.7 and am trying to create a new subject-type
> metadata field in the eprints dataset for a custom subject heirarchy I've
> created in the Edit Subjects UI. I have no trouble creating the field and
> it is automatically added to the eprints workflow as expected but it is a
> blank multi-select field and doesn't pull in the terms from the
> subject heirarchy. When I set up a test metadata field for the existing
> subject heirarchy that is included with eprints out of the box, the field
> populates with all the existing terms as one would expect but I'm just
> able to pull terms from a custom subject set.
> What am I doing wrong? I would appreciate any pointers, and of course if
> this explanation needs clarification or additional info I'm happy to
> supply.


The MetaFields UI has changed a bit between versions but, could you supply
some screen shots showing the configuration you've used for the field?

In the latest version of EPrints metafields are written to a normal 'cfg.d'
file, so you can fix any problems by editing the file directly.

All the best,