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Message: #00994

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[EP-tech] import "feature"

Dear all,

as you know i'm testing 3.3.10.
Our repository is a "read-only" repository : all records are imported from another internal software used to collect publication records from authors. The importing method is via batch file XML. When i implemented the past repository on 3.2.4 i noticed a strange behaviour with import program, it seemed not to update records : --update parameter didn't work when the record was already present. I resolved deleting and importing new records also per records already present. Now with 3.3.10 version the situation seems to be similar: having more experience with eprints source i debugged the import program again and i think i'm resolving the problem with this little patch.

--- /data/eprints-3.3.10/bin/import    2012-05-18 15:21:23.000000000 +0200
+++ import    2012-08-30 17:28:07.000000000 +0200
@@ -335,6 +335,7 @@
             $item->update( $epdata,
                     include_subdataobjs => 1,
+                        $item->commit();
print "EPRINTS_IMPORT: ITEM_UPDATED ".$item->get_id."\n" if $scripted;
elsif( defined($item = $opts{dataset}->create_dataobj( $epdata )) )

What do you think about ? Am i missed something ? Is it acceptable ?

The import program is called with this parameters :

~/bin/import "EPRINTS_REPOSITORY" --force --verbose --enable-web-imports --enable-import-fields --update archive XML "EPRINTS_XML"

Best regards,
Paolo Tealdi

Ing. Paolo Tealdi         Area IT - Politecnico Torino
Telefono/Phone : +39-011-0906714 , FAX : +39-011-0906799
Indirizzo/Address : C.so Duca degli Abruzzi,  24 - 10129 Torino - ITALY
Skype : tealdi.paolo
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