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Message: #00992

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[EP-tech] Re: Full text indexing document in Xapian search

On Thu, 2012-08-30 at 14:12 +0200, Paolo Tealdi wrote:
> Dear all,
> i'm upgrading from 3.2.4 to 3.3.10 and evaluating the new features of 
> 3.3.10 version. I've installed Xapian search and i think that now simple 
> search is quicker than 3.2.4 one.
> Nevertheless, i think that fulltext index is not present in Xapian 
> search. Am i right ?
> How can i decide the fields list indexed in simple search (Xapian in my 
> case) ?

Xapian should search all fields, including the documents, if EPrints can
convert the document to plain text.

The indexing code is in lib/cfg.d/search_xapian.pl.

There isn't much help for you debugging what has gone wrong with
indexing. Best I can suggest is adding this just above

my $i = $doc->termlist_begin;
print "$i, " while ++$i ne $doc->termlist_end;
print "\n";


./bin/epadmin reindex [archiveid] eprint [eprintid]

For an eprint that isn't matching.

Will show you exactly what's getting indexed for a given eprint.

All the best,

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