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Message: #00973

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[EP-tech] Re: edit subject


On current versions of EPrints it says "Untitled subject #YYY", which
allows you to click it?

If you can't do this, what about clicking a different subject and edit
the URL to replace the current subject ID with the one you have lost?


On Sat, 2012-08-25 at 10:32 +0430, Razieh Zahedi wrote:
> Dear  all;
> As an mistake I delete subject name "Library of Congress Subject
> Areas" in admin ----> config. Tools -----> edit subject.
> Now This subject classification (LC) is available, but I cant access
> and edit it (eg. for adding new children).
> Exactly, its subject ID is available but there is no link for choosing
> and accessing childrens.
> Now how can add this name for this code again?
> Regards
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