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Message: #00965

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[EP-tech] Re: Documents component with options unrolled from the start

On Wed, 2012-08-22 at 16:15 +0200, Florian Heß wrote:
> Am 22.08.2012 10:39, schrieb Tim Brody:
> >If you can I suggest making this a configuration option. You could
>  > add a parameter to the Component::Documents that controls whether the
>  > metadata box should appear open or closed.
> > Something like:
> > <component type="Documents" show_metadata="always">
> >
> Okay, I'll try with show_metadata="onUpload" (to unroll all docs would 
> be just a poor man's solution if nothing else worked), although it seems 
> to me that server-side code handling this parameter will simply insert 
> html code to signal to the client that whichever document has just been 
> downloaded. Any further logic is preferably client-side as well, right?
> In my eyes automatically unrolling metadata of the uploaded document 
> seems worth making the default (then also positioning the file/url 
> upload box below existing docs to avoid the need of scrolling up again 
> and again if there are many uploads), that's why I asked/suggested :-).


In terms of server/client behaviour depends on what you want. The server
could either send back the box already expanded or send a collapsed box
+ javascript to unroll it.

Or you could pass config options to the javascript Documents class on
new(), and trigger the unroll after the AJAX call.

All the best,

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