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Message: #00953

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[EP-tech] Re: table vs div

Denis Pitzalis dijo [Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 09:26:54PM +0200]:
> I would like to start a discussion about EPrints theming.
> I am working on many different installation of EPrints (thanks EPrints 
> team for all the support you give to me!) and for every installation the 
> question from the final user is always the same: "it is nice, all those 
> functionalities and so on, but can you now make it look better?".
> Obviously yes, but customizing EPrints in the web2.0 world require lot 
> of effort because of the hard coded elements: many of them are tables 
> and many of the tables does not have ids nor classes to identify them.
> I would propose for the futures version of EPrints to move to a more div 
> oriented approach, identifying every item via a class and a unique id, 
> in the way modern css works.
> This will improve the way the final user create custom themes 
> (http://test.michael-culture.org/ a installation I'm working on, with a 
> look and feel heavily customized, in alpha test).


Just a side-note: The recommendation to set distance from table-based
layout in favor of a div-based one is when tables are used for layout
— But when they are used for tabular content (i.e. where the
information makes sense to be presented in rows/columns, as is often
the case for EPrints), reinventing a table using divs does not make
much sense.

Tables can also be comprehensively themed via CSS if they are
annotated with their IDs and classes.

But yes, just making this minimal note - I agree with you, and would
also welcome a layout less riddled with tables.