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Message: #00922

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[EP-tech] Re: Running EPrints on Windows server

Thanks Tim.
That's very useful.


On 31 Jul 2012, at 15:09, Tim Brody wrote:

> On Tue, 2012-07-31 at 12:31 +0000, Wolton, Alexis P wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> We currently run EPrints on a Debian box, however, an IT team are
>> considering running a separate instance on a Windows based server.  
>> Does anyone have any experience of running EPrints on Windows that they
>> can share?  Will it run as well as on Linux? And if not, what are some
>> of the problems we can expect?  Is it better to stick to Linux if
>> possible?
> The main problem with Windows is the lack of a package manager to
> install dependencies i.e. it's just more difficult to set up & maintain.
> I've not heard of anyone running EPrints on Windows in production. What
> I really need is someone who is a dedicated Windows user to support the
> Win32 side of things.
> -- 
> All the best,
> Tim
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