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[EP-tech] Re: Bazaar package approach

Hi Jose,

Yes this sounds like a good strategy particularly if you are going to make big changes. You will need to make an alphabetically later cfg.d/ file to overwrite the "eprint_render" function. That is how the summary_page is currently called.


On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 11:54 AM, Jose Martin <J.Martin@ulcc.ac.uk> wrote:



I am thinking about creating a Bazaar package that makes major changes in the summary page, so installing it as a new eprint citation and then making the repository use the new one instead of ‘citations/eprint/summary_page.xml’ sounds like a tidier strategy. Is it so?


And then, any ideas about the 2nd step, making the repo use a different citation file for the summary page?







Jose Martin

Digital Repositories Specialist

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