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Message: #00863

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[EP-tech] Re: pronom integration to EPrints 3.3.10

The available version of the preservation toolkit will only show the "+" button for "high risk" file formats, a service not currently provided in any seriousness by anyone. In addition there is a scalability problem if the number of files to list is large. 

Combining these two means that the plug-in is due a refresh as a when it is decided how best to handle high risk objects.

The code to enable this is commented out in the plug-in if you wish to apply your own policies, else I'm afraid that further work is some way off and dependant on results of current global preservation research for which the team is closely involved.


Dave T

On 10 Jul 2012, at 19:29, wei yuan <yuanwei2@hotmail.com> wrote:

Dear Support,

I installed EPrints 3.3.10 on the server.  I reset the pronom server to be 1 in the configuration file, yet I don't  see the plus button next to each type of files so I can expand to view risks.  

Any hint is appreciated greatly.


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