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Message: #00858

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[EP-tech] Re: is there any file upload limit

On 16/lug/2012, at 14:32, Sebastien Francois wrote:

Hi Stefano,

I remember testing this with TimB and we could upload 8GB files without a problem from Chrome. Firefox seemed to always complain if the file was bigger than 2-4GB (sorry I don't recall the exact limit). I *think* 64-bit version of IE were OK too.

thank you sebastian.. we'll try different browsers and let you all know

Then you may also have limits on the server-side (apache, cgi) but I don't recall it being a default behaviour.

i didn't find any, indeed (just something related to Apache running under 32bit, but we're all 64


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Stefano Cecere
Multimedia Archive developer
Centro Studi Umanisti KRUR - Firenze

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