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Message: #00848

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[EP-tech] Re: segfault in mod_negotiation


This is likely to do with your apache version as we have loads of ubuntu 10.04 and 12.04 repositories running, none of which I can replicate your issue on using the standard installation procedure. 

Perhaps you can look into the apache2 version installed and ensure it is the apache2-mpm-prefork as required by ePrints.


Dave T

On 10 Jul 2012, at 15:52, Štefan Sakalík wrote:

Since our last issue with eprints we have upgraded system to ubuntu
12.04. We found out that eprints segfaults in mod_negotiation module
when trying
to download an article. When we disabled it with
Options -MultiViews
in apache vhost config file it started to work. The bug is still there
but this is an acceptable workaround for us.

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