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Message: #00832

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[EP-tech] Re: Random question: Eprint core fields

Single quotes won't extrapolate a variable (and characters such as \n, \r) while double quotes will:

my $var1 = 'hello';
my $var2 = '$var1 world';
my $var3 = "$var1 world";

print $var2;    # will print <$var1 world>
print $var3;    # will print <hello world>


On 04/07/12 15:36, Ian Stuart wrote:
On 04/07/12 11:49, John Salter wrote:

Also (if I put my pedant hat on, so feel free to ignore!), there's inconsistent use of quotes in that file:
{ name=>"contact_email", type=>"email", required=>0, can_clone=>0 },
{ 'name' =>  'sword_depositor', 'type' =>  'itemref', datasetid=>"user" },
Perl knows that hash keys must be scalars, therefore assumes quotes.
Perl hash keys can be numeric scalars or string scalars, perl doesn't care.

I also notice variation in the use of quotes within the same
declaration, and with the use of single- verses double-quotes on values :)

Just goes to show how rich and helpful Perl is.... by not falling over
on the inconsequentials ;-)