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Message: #00826

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[EP-tech] Re: epindexer unable to start


I wish to submit folowing error report obtained from various services associated with epindexer service to troubleshoot this issue.

Apache Error log report

[Tue Jul 03 16:02:37 2012] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Tue Jul 03 16:02:40 2012] [notice] EPrints archives loaded: publications_new
[Tue Jul 03 16:02:40 2012] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)
[Tue Jul 03 16:02:40 2012] [warn] module perl_module is already loaded, skipping
[Tue Jul 03 16:02:42 2012] [notice] EPrints archives loaded: publications_new
[Tue Jul 03 16:02:42 2012] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Tue Jul 03 16:02:42 2012] [notice] Digest: done
[Tue Jul 03 16:02:42 2012] [error] avahi_entry_group_add_service_strlst("eprints") failed: Invalid host name
[Tue Jul 03 16:02:42 2012] [error] avahi_entry_group_add_service_strlst("eprints") failed: Invalid host name
[Tue Jul 03 16:02:42 2012] [error] avahi_entry_group_add_service_strlst("eprints") failed: Invalid host name
[Tue Jul 03 16:02:42 2012] [notice] Apache/2.2.15 (Unix) DAV/2 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.1 configured -- resuming normal operations
/var/lib/eprints3/archives/publications_new/var/last_changed.timestamp has been modified since the repository config was loaded: reloading!
/var/lib/eprints3/archives/publications_new/var/last_changed.timestamp has been modified since the repository config was loaded: reloading!
/var/lib/eprints3/archives/publications_new/var/last_changed.timestamp has been modified since the repository config was loaded: reloading!
/var/lib/eprints3/archives/publications_new/var/last_changed.timestamp has been modified since the repository config was loaded: reloading!
/var/lib/eprints3/archives/publications_new/var/last_changed.timestamp has been modified since the repository config was loaded: reloading!
/var/lib/eprints3/archives/publications_new/var/last_changed.timestamp has been modified since the repository config was loaded: reloading!
/var/lib/eprints3/archives/publications_new/var/last_changed.timestamp has been modified since the repository config was loaded: reloading!
/var/lib/eprints3/archives/publications_new/var/last_changed.timestamp has been modified since the repository config was loaded: reloading!
/var/lib/eprints3/archives/publications_new/var/last_changed.timestamp has been modified since the repository config was loaded: reloading!
/var/lib/eprints3/archives/publications_new/var/last_changed.timestamp has been modified since the repository config was loaded: reloading!
/var/lib/eprints3/archives/publications_new/var/last_changed.timestamp has been modified since the repository config was loaded: reloading!
[root@eprints logs]# 
[root@eprints logs]# 

[root@eprints var]# 
[root@eprints var]# ps auwx |grep indexer
apache     307  0.0  2.3  59140 44684 ?        Ss   17:39   0:01 indexer
apache     315  0.0  2.3  59140 44672 ?        Ss   17:41   0:01 indexer
apache     320  0.0  2.3  59140 44684 ?        Ss   17:41   0:01 indexer
apache     327  0.0  2.3  59084 44676 ?        Ss   17:44   0:01 indexer
root       471  0.0  0.0   4332   720 pts/5    S+   18:30   0:00 grep indexer
apache    6628  0.0  1.1  34448 22028 ?        Ss   Jun21   0:01 indexer
apache   12646  0.0  1.1  34448 21996 ?        Ss   Jun28   0:00 indexer
apache   12660  0.0  1.1  34448 21992 ?        Ss   Jun28   0:00 indexer
apache   12670  0.0  1.1  34448 21996 ?        Ss   Jun28   0:00 indexer
apache   12691  0.0  1.1  34456 21996 ?        Ss   Jun28   0:00 indexer
apache   31877  0.0  2.3  59124 44668 ?        Ss   12:31   0:03 indexer
apache   32322  0.0  1.1  34456 21960 ?        Ss   15:46   0:00 indexer
apache   32323  0.0  2.3  59144 44680 ?        Ss   15:46   0:01 indexer
[root@eprints var]# 
[root@eprints var]# 

[root@eprints var]# 
[root@eprints var]# ps -ef |grep idexer
root       475 10958  0 18:31 pts/5    00:00:00 grep idexer
[root@eprints var]# 
[root@eprints var]#

[root@eprints var]# /etc/init.d/epindexer start
Starting EPrints Indexer: 
EPrints indexer appears to be running with process ID 32322. 
It may have crashed. 

To check if the process is still running (on a linux system)

ps auwx | grep indexer

Options to "ps" vary on other systems. You may also try:

ps -ef | grep indexer

If indexer is not already running you may either:
 * delete the PID file: /var/lib/eprints3/var/indexer.pid
 * run indexer with the --force option


Hopefully, it may be helpful to arrive at conclusion.

with thanks

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Gregson" <mark.gregson@qut.edu.au>
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Sent: Tuesday, July 3, 2012 4:41:40 AM
Subject: [EP-tech] Re: epindexer unable to start

The system thinks the EPrints indexer is running because there is a PID file. 
It may have crashed. 

To check if the process is still running (on a linux system)

ps auwx | grep indexer

Options to "ps" vary on other systems. You may also try:

ps -ef | grep indexer

If indexer is not already running you may either:
 * delete the PID file: /var/lib/eprints3/var/indexer.pid
 * run indexer with the --force option


-----Original Message-----
From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of smal@ccmb.res.in
Sent: Monday, 2 July 2012 3:32 PM
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: [EP-tech] Re: epindexer unable to start

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Gregson" <mark.gregson@qut.edu.au>
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Sent: Monday, July 2, 2012 4:58:47 AM
Subject: [EP-tech] Re: epindexer unable to start

epindexer.pid is required for starting and stopping the indexer service (epindexer). The only way to get rid of it is to avoid running the indexer or run the indexer in the shell rather than as a daemon (check $ eprints3/bin/indexer --man) but if you're having problems with epindexer.pid I wonder if there is an underlying problem with the indexer or an indexer job.

What do you mean by 'kills' the service?


kindly check the following and let me know your relevant solution to troubleshoot this.

[root@eprints var]# /etc/init.d/epindexer start Starting EPrints Indexer: 
EPrints indexer appears to be running with process ID 12691. 
It may have crashed. 

To check if the process is still running (on a linux system)

ps auwx | grep indexer

Options to "ps" vary on other systems. You may also try:

ps -ef | grep indexer

If indexer is not already running you may either:
 * delete the PID file: /var/lib/eprints3/var/indexer.pid
 * run indexer with the --force option

                                 [FAILED] [root@eprints var]# 

with thanks

-----Original Message-----
From: eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk [mailto:eprints-tech-bounces@ecs.soton.ac.uk] On Behalf Of smal@ccmb.res.in
Sent: Thursday, 28 June 2012 10:22 PM
To: eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Subject: [EP-tech] epindexer unable to start


The "epindexer.pid" being gnerated in /var/lib/eprints3/var/ keeps preventing epindexer from getting restarted. How to prevent this process id from being generated? which ultimately kills the eprints service. 

with thanks

S Mahalingam
Technical Officer
IT Group
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology(CCMB) - CSIR.
Habsiguda, Uppal Road
Hyderabad 500 007

   +91-40-27160222-41, Ext:2776,2866
Cell: +91-9490682527

*** Options: http://mailman.ecs.soton.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/eprints-tech
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*** EPrints community wiki: http://wiki.eprints.org/

S Mahalingam
Technical Officer
IT Group
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology(CCMB) - CSIR.
Habsiguda, Uppal Road
Hyderabad 500 007

   +91-40-27160222-41, Ext:2776,2866
Cell: +91-9490682527

*** Options: http://mailman.ecs.soton.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/eprints-tech
*** Archive: http://www.eprints.org/tech.php/
*** EPrints community wiki: http://wiki.eprints.org/

S Mahalingam
Technical Officer
IT Group
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology(CCMB) - CSIR.
Habsiguda, Uppal Road
Hyderabad 500 007

   +91-40-27160222-41, Ext:2776,2866
Cell: +91-9490682527