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Message: #00816

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[EP-tech] Re: Importing records by XML still defective with --update?

Hi Florian,

You might be interested in applying that patch: http://trac.eprints.org/eprints/changeset/7773 ?


On 29/06/12 12:19, Florian Heß wrote:

I recently updated to EPrints version 3.3.10 hoping that the issue with the disrespected --update parameter will be solved, so all supplied metadata is processed, first and foremost eprintid. Hurray, that one works indeed, and also documents and subjects, but not the rest. Did I miss something?

My command is: bin/import heidok --enable-file-imports --enable-web-imports --user opus --update --enable-import-fields --verbose eprint XML /tmp/opus_10544.xml

Attached to this post:
 * opus_10544.xml: Export XML generated by a custom script in the domain of our present repository software to be migrated
 * heidok-eprint-10544-0.xml: This data represent the record before any import had been tried (a totally different record as eprintid was not respected in 3.3.8)
 * heidok-oprint-10544-1.xml: bin/import above; only documents added and subjects changed!
 * heidok-eprint-10544-2.xml: Erased record prior to reimport. Results are as they should be

It is not so big a problem for me to have records erased before another bin/import run (anyway, there won't be any content-exchanging reimports in the productive system). I just suppose that is not intended, why else there would be --update at all, hence I thought that might be a bug and posted this :-)

Kind regards,

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