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Message: #00812

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[EP-tech] problem on permisions

I've a test site with a copy of our eprints repository. In this site everything works but index of modified items (cannot find them using eprintid) and this:

---------------- EPrints System Error ----------------------------
Failed to write /usr/share/eprints3/archives/XXXX/html/it/view/dottorato/FusionScienceandEngineering=5Fcorsi=5F24.title: Operation not permitted

this is the situation:

servercopy:/usr/share/eprints3/archives/XXXX/html/it# ls -l /usr/share/eprints3/archives/XXXX/html/it/view/dottorato/FusionScienceandEngineering\=5Fcorsi\=5F24.title -rwxrwsr-x 1 eprints eprints 37 30 mar 11.36 /usr/share/eprints3/archives/XXXX/html/it/view/dottorato/FusionScienceandEngineering=5Fcorsi=5F24.title

and this:


apache runs as www-data and should be able to modify the file, isn't it? I've also chowned and chmodded as here: http://wiki.eprints.org/w/Moving_a_repository#Migrate_the_repository

$ sudo chown -R eprints:eprints /opt/eprints3/
$ sudo chmod -R 02775 /opt/eprints3/archives/

Any idea? Thanks!