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Message: #00806

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[EP-tech] Re: creators_id required

Hi Yuri,

I'd put that test inside cfg.d/eprint_validate.pl, something like:

my $creators = $eprint->value( 'creators' ) || [];
foreach my $c ( @{$creators} )
    if( !EPrints::Utils::is_set( $c->{id} ) )
        push @problems, your_own_error_message;

Hope this helps you,

On 27/06/12 14:20, Yuri wrote:
I would like to force the user to enter the creators_id in the creators
field. I can make the field required using the workflow, but it does not
force the user to fill the id part (I use it for the email).

creators_name and creators_given are checked by fields_validate.pl, but
I'm unable to do the same check using creators_id, as you can see in the
code below.

Any idea on this?

Il 27/06/2012 12:19, Yuri ha scritto:

    how to configure eprints to have creators_id required? I don't know
using workflow. Using fields_validate.pl, this is my code:

                           if( $field->get_name eq "creators_id" )<-
still have to add the check on the value...
                                   push @problems,
                                                   fieldname=>$fieldname );

this should always return a problem, but instead it does nothing.... Any
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