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[EP-tech] DevCSI Developer Stakeholder Survey 2011-2012

Evidence Base at Birmingham City University has once again been commissioned to undertake an important survey of developers working and studying in education (largely in universities and colleges in the UK) and their stakeholders on behalf of DevCSI:


If you are developer, you work with developers, or your work is affected by the work of developers, please fill in this important survey.

The broad topics of this survey include: benchmarking developers across the sector; examining stakeholders' views of software development; discovering examples of local innovation; and gathering suggestions about the on going future development of a developer community in UK education. The survey is very important for informing the future work of the DevCSI project and should provide useful information and evidence as to the value and importance of developers and a community of connected developers to innovation in the education sector. It should take around 10-15 minutes to complete.

Each respondent will be able to enter a prize draw to win a *£200 Amazon voucher* or one of *four £50 vouchers*. If you would like to enter for your chance to win, please follow instructions at the end of the survey.

Thanks for your participation and good luck in the prize draw!

See the results of last survey.

Please feel free to pass this email on, or repost so that we can get the maximum number of people completing it. Thank you.

Mr Mahendra Mahey

Project Manager DevCSI
Research Officer
Innovation Support Centre
University of Bath,

Mobile: ++44 (0) 07581069575
Fax: ++44 (0) 1225 386256

email: m.mahey@ukoln.ac.uk
skypeID: mr_mahendra_mahey