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Message: #00761

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[EP-tech] Re: How-to Multi-Language Guide


As far as I know there are no guides about this.

In a nutshell:

1- Edit archives/<id>/cfg/cfg.d/languages.pl - for example add French:

$c->{defaultlanguage} = 'en';

$c->{languages} = [ 'en', 'fr' ];

2- If you want different site templates for the English and French versions, those will be located there:

archives/<id>/cfg/lang/<lang code>/templates/

3- Different front pages and generally static pages will be there:

archives/<id>/cfg/lang/<lang code>/static/

4- You may put your translation of the phrases in French to (see the English phrases there: lib/lang/en/phrases/system.xml):


Once you've done change #1 and restarted Apache, I think that EPrints take care of the language management itself (there should be flags appearing on the top bar, and the language selection's done via CGI+Cookies).

I think that's about it :-)


On 19/06/12 13:00, Mikulka Thomas wrote:

Hi, all!


We’re just upgrading our existing EPrints instance from version 3.0.1 to  3.3.7 (or later). We decided to build our new EPrints server from scratch

providing a new multi language environment.


Is there a comprehensive How-to Guide available, which describes the process of making such a language environment step-by-step?


Being thankful for any hint.


Best regards,

Thomas Mikulka

University of Vienna
Library and Archive Services
Teinfaltstrasse 8
1010 Vienna

Tel.: +43 1 42 77 - 153 12
Fax: +43 1 42 77 - 153 29
Mobil: +43 664 602 77 - 153 12


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