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Message: #00758

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[EP-tech] Re: error in generate_static

Il 19/06/2012 11:08, mohdizwan8733@salam.uitm.edu.my ha scritto:
dear all EPrints user, could you guys help me to identify what may be the cause of the problem?

---------------- EPrints System Error ----------------------------
Can't copy /opt/eprints3/archives/eprints2012/cfg/static/images/sitelogo.png to /opt/eprints3/archives/eprints2012/html/en/images/sitelogo.png: Permission denied

you've a directory which isnt' owned or writable by the eprints user.

EPrints System Error inducing stack dump
 at /opt/eprints3/bin/../perl_lib/EPrints.pm line 145
EPrints::abort() called at /opt/eprints3/bin/../perl_lib/EPrints/Update/Static.pm line 313 EPrints::Update::Static::copy_plain('/opt/eprints3/archives/eprints2012/cfg/static/images/sitelogo...', '/opt/eprints3/archives/eprints2012/html/en/images/sitelogo.png', 'HASH(0x2481b78)') called at ./generate_static line 320 main::copy_plain('EPrints::Repository=HASH(0x4be2200)', '/opt/eprints3/archives/eprints2012/cfg/static/images/sitelogo...', '/opt/eprints3/archives/eprints2012/html/en/images/sitelogo.png', 'HASH(0x2481b78)') called at ./generate_static line 193

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