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Message: #00754

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[EP-tech] Re: Unable to edit home page via "Edit XPage Code"?

with web interface "Edit Xpage code"
i think the UTF8 is not reconised by this web interface
but if i transfert the same file with ftp
and update static it work fine
At 10:38 2012-06-18, you wrote:
Hi Mario,

Do you mean when editing phrases? Or in a "phrases" file?

On my local 3.2.3 dev machine I have a phrases file (encoding = utf-8) with French accents (without having to "code" them) and this just works.


On 18/06/12 14:49, Mario Beaudoin wrote:

I have the same error
first line of the code is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
work fine in 3.2.7
now i have to write this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"  standalone="no"  ?>
i have to code all french accent
it is possible to fix that Please

 Best regards,

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