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Message: #00739

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[EP-tech] Re: summary_page.xml - grouping documents

Hi Seb,

Thanks for the advice.

On 15 Jun 2012, at 15:36, Sebastien Francois wrote:

> You'd be better off doing this in cfg.d/eprint_render.pl, I don't see 
> how you could do that "grouping" stage in XML.
> So perhaps you could do the grouping / rendering in eprint_render.pl (in 
> PERL) and then pass your DOM fragment (of the grouped documents) to the 
> citations.
> In eprint_render.pl / summary_page.xml, look for 
> "$fragments{version_tree}" and "$version_tree" to get an idea on how you 
> can pass DOM fragments from PERL to the XML/citation.
> Seb.
> On 15/06/12 15:25, Wolton, Alexis P wrote:
>> Any help with the below much appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Alexis
>> On 14 Jun 2012, at 11:46, Wolton, Alexis P wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I'd like to group documents that appear on citation pages by the document content field, and list those documents under separate headings ie Data, Documentation etc.   What is the recommended way to do this?  Is it possible to add a test to $docs on summary_page.xml to do this?
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Alexis
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