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Message: #00728

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[EP-tech] DevCSI Developer Challenge at Open Repositories 12 Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

The DevCSI project (funded by JISC and based at the Innovation Support Centre, UKOLN, University of Bath) is proud to announce that it is once again organising the Open Repositories Developer Challenge 2012 at the Seventh International Conference on Open Repositories in Edinburgh, Scotland - Open Repositories 2012. We are working closely with the Repositories Fringe and the challenge is kindly sponsored by Microsoft Research.

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The challenge is taking place between Tuesday July 10th and Thursday 12th of July, 2012.

The challenge is:

'Show us some thing new and cool in the world of Open Repositories'

The initial deadline for your entry will be Tuesday 10th July 2012, at 10am, which means you can start on your entry now!

For more information, see:


You will then have a chance to pitch your idea to an audience/experts who will give you feedback and then you will be able to make changes to your idea and then re-present to a panel of judges the next day, Wednesday 11th July 2012. Winning entries will present to the conference on Thursday 12th July 2012.

Prize money of £1000 is available for the winners and runners up. There is an *additional* prize for the entry that demonstrates the most innovative use of Microsoft Technology (.Net Gadgeteer kit) which can also be submitted to the main challenge above. We are hoping that we will be able to provide an opportunity for the winning team, time to meet up to complete their entry after the conference so that the community can benefit from it.

Please feel free to circulate this email.

Mr Mahendra Mahey

Project Manager DevCSI
Research Officer
Innovation Support Centre
University of Bath,

Mobile: ++44 (0) 07581069575
Fax: ++44 (0) 1225 386256

email: m.mahey@ukoln.ac.uk
skypeID: mr_mahendra_mahey