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Message: #00710

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[EP-tech] Re: Version 3.3.10 METS Importer

If you can wait until next week, I can send you the METS importer I wrote to understand the PEER packages
(for 3.2 - but it shouldn't be hard to modify for 3.3)

Quoting Moritz Schepp <schepp@ist.ac.at> on Tue, 12 Jun 2012 16:36:36 +0200:


I want to upgrade to EPrints version 3.3.10, which seems to have
refactored the import/sword code to

With Version 3.2.4, there was a

which was handling METS packages nicely and it is not there any more.
None of the new import plugins seems to offer the functionality of
importing a METS file. Is this correct?

And if yes then would it be sensible to derive a new import plugin from

which seems the right choice?

Thanks in advance,
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Ian Stuart

A man in serious need of a brain transplant!

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.