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Message: #00664

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[EP-tech] Re: User Approval

On Wed, 2012-05-30 at 16:01 +0300, Dimitrakakis Georgios wrote:

Is there a way to approve users when registered before being able to
start creating eprints?

I found out that in our repository few users that have been registered
are "rubbish".

You could set new users to be minuser in cfg.d/registration.pl.

How would you track new user accounts, in order to give them approval?


OK! I see your point with "minuser"!

My thought was a little bit more complicated...I was thinking that it could be done (more or less) the same way you track deposits and notify the admin! For example a user is registered by default as a minuser. At the same time an e-mail is sent to the admin team and they take the proper actions about the user (e.g. delete, upgrade account etc.). After the user is "verified" he/she can access the repository.

Maybe it's very complicated but as a first step what it could be done is to notify with an e-mail the admin team the time a user registers.

I am not so sure if I made myself clear but anyway I was thinking something like that. Is it possible?



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