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Message: #00657

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[EP-tech] Request a copy for large documents

Hi all


We recently found that the request a copy feature is being used to request documents which are large than the limit that has been set on our mail server.  The result is an error returned to the repository’s admin email address.  We can’t get the limit raised/removed so we need to look for an alternate solution.


I can see a few solutions:

1.       Prevent ‘Request a copy’ showing for larger documents.

2.       Send an email to the requesting user with a link to a secret URL to provide time-limited access to the resource.

3.       Use an alternate mail server (not feasible).


Someone has thought about option 2 because I found this wiki page, http://wiki.eprints.org/w/OneShareWishList.  I gather this is related to Edshare but I’m not sure if anything has been implemented or if it will be applicable as we don’t use Edshare.


Has anyone struck this problem and resolved it?





Mark Gregson | Application and Development Team Leader
Library eServices | Queensland University of Technology
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