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Message: #00640

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[EP-tech] [Fwd: Eprints Not sending account activation mail]

---------------------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------------------
Subject: Eprints Not sending account activation mail
From:    "Chander Shekhar" <css@ceeri.ernet.in>
Date:    Mon, May 28, 2012 6:08 pm
To:      eprints-tech@ecs.soton.ac.uk

 "The system is currently unable to send email. Please try again later. If
 this problem persists, please contact the administrator with details."

The smtp_server in SystemSettings.pm file is edited. (screenshot1.png

The eprints machine is establishing the smtp connection with our
smtp_server through telnet.(sceenshot2.png attached)

The /var/httpd/log/error_log showing the connection estabishing error.
The system is establishing the smtp connection to the mail-server via telnet on port 25 to
 192.168.x.x from the shell, and infact can send the mail.

2. Making the eprints server as mail server, in that case too eprints not
 sending the mail, but system itself is sending the mails through shell.

please suggest and help.

chander shekhar
Technical Assistant
Network Management Cell

chander shekhar
Technical Assistant
Network Management Cell

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