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Message: #00637

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[EP-tech] Re: Changing the pagerange display "pp."

Hallo Joana,

You'll need to change the following phrases:

<!-- Page ranges -->
        <!-- 123-123 -->
        <epp:phrase id="lib/metafield/pagerange:same_page">p. <epc:pin name="from"/></epp:phrase>
        <!-- 123 -->
        <epp:phrase id="lib/metafield/pagerange:from_page">p. <epc:pin name="from"/></epp:phrase>
        <!-- 123-140, 123-7 -->
        <epp:phrase id="lib/metafield/pagerange:range">pp. <epc:pin name="from"/>-<epc:pin name="to"/></epp:phrase>
        <!-- 000x392 -->
        <epp:phrase id="lib/metafield/pagerange:other"><epc:pin name="pagerange"/></epp:phrase>


On 25/05/12 13:21, Joana Otetelisanu wrote:
Hi all,

i want to change the pagerange display "pp.".
It's a german repository, so there should be a "S." instead of "pp.".

Does anyone know how I can change this?

Thanks in advance and best regards
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